Pranaam to all 🙏
In this blog post we are gonna explore how to manually exploit an AD CS ESC15 vulnerable instance when a Domain User has enrollment right for the Webserver template.
During an assessment, I was talking to Dominic sir and he mentioned AD CS ESC15 vulnerability discovered by TrustedSec team.
In an internal infrastructure Pentest, me and my colleague noticed webserver template which was vulnerable to ESC15 but In ourcase, following were the challenges:
👉 Instead of "Domain Computers", "Domain Users" AD group had enrollment right on Webserver template. Due to this fact, the webserver template was not visible in Windows Certificate Enrollment wizard.
👉 The AD CS RPC endpoint was firewalled from consultant machine.
👉 The AD CS web enrollment interface was not enabled.
Manual exploitation🤘😎🤘
- Subject name (Line no. 5)
- Alt Name (Line no. 27)
- Client Authentication attribute set under Application Policies extension (already configured)
Generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)
When we execute the above mentioned command, we will receive a popup. Click "Ok" button to accept it to complete with the CSR generation process. Upon clicking "Cancel" button, process will be aborted.
Now, we have a CSR file which we have to submit to AD Certificate Authority.
Submitting the Generated (CSR)
In my case, CA name is DC01.queen.indishell.lab\queen-DC01-CA
In below command, specify the CA address (value of -config argument), CSR file name (b0x8.csr) and certificate file name (administrator.cer)
Install and Extract the Certificate:
Now, extract the Thumbprint of the issued certificate from the certificate(administrator.cer) issued by the CA server.
Use below mentioned command:
Execute below mentioned command to install the issued certificate to Current user's certificate store:
Upon installation of the the issued certificate, it will be available in the certificate store of currently logged-in user:
To extract this newly installed certificate in PFX format, specify a password of your choice (in my case b0xed@33), certificate thumbprint which we extracted in previous step and output file name to store the PFX certificate (in my case administrator.pfx)
The certutil command exported the certificate and its private key in PFX format successfully:
To verify the details of requested certificate such as Subject Alternative Name and attribute of Application Policies extension are set correctly or not, execute below mentioned command and dump the detail from the issued certificate
The output of the command is showing that the certificate was requested using the Webserver template, Client Authentication attribute is set under Application Policies extension and Subject Alternative Name is set to administrator:
To perform further exploitation, use CertiPy tool or PasstheCert tool outlined in this blogpost
With Love from
❤️ --==[[ Indishell Crew ]]==-- ❤️