Pranaam to all Bhai ji _/\_
In this tutorial we will go through the telnet server installation and configuration on centOS :)
Telnet is a remote login utility in linux which let you login on remote linux machine if you have account on that machine.
Telnet runs on port number 23 bydefault.
for telnet login, there are few requirements
1.user should allowed for shell access (in /etc/passwd file read this article for shell access configuration most of the time you will have shell access
2.machine should be in your network(through local network or via internet). ip should not be blacklisted on that machine :D
ok lets start.....
For Telnet server , we need package telnet-server
for checking whether telnet is installed or not on your machine , run this command (centOS,redhat and fedora)
rpm -q telnet-server
this command will query about the package telnet-server
if output is like "package telnet-server is not installed " , means telnet server package is not installed else it will show you the name-version-architecture of the package
Installing Telnet server:-
Telnet server package name is telnet-server , we can install it using yum utility
command is
yum install telnet-server
type y and continue installation of telnet server
ok now we need to install telnet client package on our machine from where we want to login to remote machine
telnet client package is telnet. we can install it via yum
command is
yum install telnet
ok . now our client machine as well as remote machine has telnet package
lets configure it so that we can login to remote machine :D
command for login to remote machine suing telnet is
telnet remote_machine_ip
for example , i want to login to machine whose ip is
command will be
ok now we are going to configure our freshly installed telnet server :)
bydefaulte telnet server configuration wont let us login because of its configuration
we need to activate it by editing telnet server configuration file
telnet server configuration file is /etc/xinetd.d/telnet
open this file using "vi editor" ( or nano text editor
there is a option under service telnet function in file /etc/xinetd.d/telnet due to which telnet is disabled
change value of disable to no
screenshot of /etc/xinetd.d/telnet file
once we have done with disbale option , just restart the telnet server (on remote machine side where telnet server is installed)
restart telnet server using command
service xinetd restart
ok........ our normal user can login to machine without any problem
but still telnet server wont let us login our root user :P
because we need psudo terminal for root login via telnet
so . lets configure our telnet server for root login too :)
we need to add psudo(sudo) terminal in /etc/securetty file
open /etc/securetty file using vi editor
and add this in the end of the file pts/0
save the file /etc/securetty and restart the telnet server
and try to logon using root account
note:-if you encounter error "/bin/login permission denied " or login incorrect(in case of root login) even after supplying correct username password , you need to disable selinux on remote machine side by running command setenforce 0
thats all :)
enjoy telnet login service on your remote machine 8-)
Thank you
Love to :-
zero cool, Team INDISHEL , Mannu , viki ,Hardeep bhai and AR AR bhai ji <3
In this tutorial we will go through the telnet server installation and configuration on centOS :)
Telnet is a remote login utility in linux which let you login on remote linux machine if you have account on that machine.
Telnet runs on port number 23 bydefault.
for telnet login, there are few requirements
1.user should allowed for shell access (in /etc/passwd file read this article for shell access configuration most of the time you will have shell access
2.machine should be in your network(through local network or via internet). ip should not be blacklisted on that machine :D
ok lets start.....
For Telnet server , we need package telnet-server
for checking whether telnet is installed or not on your machine , run this command (centOS,redhat and fedora)
rpm -q telnet-server
this command will query about the package telnet-server
if output is like "package telnet-server is not installed " , means telnet server package is not installed else it will show you the name-version-architecture of the package
Installing Telnet server:-
Telnet server package name is telnet-server , we can install it using yum utility
command is
yum install telnet-server
type y and continue installation of telnet server
ok now we need to install telnet client package on our machine from where we want to login to remote machine
telnet client package is telnet. we can install it via yum
command is
yum install telnet
ok . now our client machine as well as remote machine has telnet package
lets configure it so that we can login to remote machine :D
command for login to remote machine suing telnet is
telnet remote_machine_ip
for example , i want to login to machine whose ip is
command will be
ok now we are going to configure our freshly installed telnet server :)
bydefaulte telnet server configuration wont let us login because of its configuration
we need to activate it by editing telnet server configuration file
telnet server configuration file is /etc/xinetd.d/telnet
open this file using "vi editor" ( or nano text editor
there is a option under service telnet function in file /etc/xinetd.d/telnet due to which telnet is disabled
change value of disable to no
screenshot of /etc/xinetd.d/telnet file
once we have done with disbale option , just restart the telnet server (on remote machine side where telnet server is installed)
restart telnet server using command
service xinetd restart
ok........ our normal user can login to machine without any problem
but still telnet server wont let us login our root user :P
because we need psudo terminal for root login via telnet
so . lets configure our telnet server for root login too :)
we need to add psudo(sudo) terminal in /etc/securetty file
open /etc/securetty file using vi editor
and add this in the end of the file pts/0
save the file /etc/securetty and restart the telnet server
and try to logon using root account
note:-if you encounter error "/bin/login permission denied " or login incorrect(in case of root login) even after supplying correct username password , you need to disable selinux on remote machine side by running command setenforce 0
thats all :)
enjoy telnet login service on your remote machine 8-)
Thank you
Love to :-
zero cool, Team INDISHEL , Mannu , viki ,Hardeep bhai and AR AR bhai ji <3