
Linux shell Terminal

Pranaam to all Bhai ji _/\_
in this post we will discuss about linux  shell terminal. shell terminal is a console which act as command interpreter. Shell is an interface between operating system and user, it take commands as input and forward them to OS for processing and return result to user on its interface.

some famous shells are
c shell
fish shell
korn shell
bash (bourne again shell)
to know the shell name which is in our system, execute command echo $SHELL and in output we will get shell name .now-a-days mostly system has bash shell bydefault

when we have logged in and get shell , we see something ike this
[something@xyz  abc]$ or [something@xyz  abc]#
here something represent our username , which we used to login into machine,
xyz represent machine hostname,
abc represents directory in which we are working
$ or # represent our user type, if # symbol is there , it means we have system root power and $ shows
non-root account

lets discuss about the procedure, how it done when we issue command in shell terminal
when we issue a command in shell terminal, the special shell variable PATH holds a series of  known paths(where command may found), the shell searches paths that are stored in search path, and check the program file that corresponds to the command.

to get all path names use command echo $PATH  and in output , we will get list of directories, where shell may get commands.
path variable helps which command , where(possible directories) commands can be find.when we issue a command in shell terminal , sequence of following processes occure

       command on shell prompt --->which command ask possible paths to PATHA variable--->PATH variable holding values of possible directories where command can be found

we can also set additional paths using command   PATH=path1:path2:path3:$PATH
path values should be separated using : if path values are more then one
we want to add /opt directory to PATH variable too
we will issue this command  PATH=/opt:$PATH and our directory /opt will also add to paths.

Thank you
Greetz to :-  Guru ji Zero and whole Team IndiShell <3
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